If you want to create a WordPress website but don't know where to start, you've come to the right place. In this article you will learn how to do it in 3 easy steps:

  • Get a domain name and hosting
  • Install and configure WordPress
  • Choose a WordPress theme

It's that simple. Just keep this guide handy while you go through the process and you'll have a website up and running in minutes.

Table of Contents

1. Get your domain and WordPress hosting

2. Install and configure WordPress

  • How to install WordPress with one click
  • How to configure WordPress
  • Search engine visibility
  • Set up permalinks

3. Choose a WordPress theme

  • Build your website today

1. Get your domain and WordPress hosting

Before you start building your website, there are two essential components you need to get:

  • a domain name
  • web hosting

The domain name is the way people will find your website. Web hosting is the place where your site will be stored on the web.

Both elements are necessary, so it is important to acquire them properly.

Go  and choose a WordPress best hosting plan. There are so many of web hosting  services available with they'r best plans  that will allow you to get the most out of your future site, as it is designed specifically for WordPress.

Each plan includes a ton of different features to help you build and manage your WP website.

You'll have access to many easy-to-use site management tools, as well as hundreds of written and video tutorials. Plus, you can contact our WordPress specialists for help any time of day, any day of the year.

Furthermore, WordPress Starter, Business and Pro hosting plans include a free domain name. This will ensure you save money that you would inevitably spend on registering your domain name elsewhere.

Once you choose your WordPress Hosting plan, finish the registration process and login to your  account .

2. Install and configure WordPress

  • How to install WordPress with one click

In your account, scroll down the hPanel till you see the Website category . Click on Auto Installer .

Find WordPress and click Select .

Now that you have installed WordPress on your hosting, it is time to configure it.

  • How to configure WordPress

WordPress is ready to go as soon as it is installed. However, it is good to adjust some options to improve your website's search engine rankings in the future:

Ensure visibility in search engines

Set up permalinks

  • Search engine visibility

To make sure that search engines can find and index your website, you have to make it “discoverable”.

Login to your WordPress account and go to the main control panel . In the side menu, go to Settings -> Reading .

On the Reading Settings page , scroll to the bottom and make sure the Search engine visibility box is unchecked. Click Save Changes and you're done.

  • Set up permalinks

Establishing appropriate and easy-to-read permalinks is a search engine ranking factor that will help improve your organic traffic growth.5Within Settings in your WordPress dashboard, click Permalinks .

On the Permalink Settings page, select the Post Name option . This will set it as the new default value for your website URLs.hey! Your WordPress is up and running.

3. Choose a WordPress theme

Themes are complete website designs that can be customized to suit your needs.

WordPress has  thousands of beautiful professional  paid and free themes available. To install one you must enter your WordPress control panel.

In the left menu, go to Appearance -> Themes .

This will take you to the WordPress theme catalog. You should choose one based on the purpose of your website.

Once you find and install your theme, you can start customizing its design. Create the necessary pages and change the colors to suit your brand.

Add content, such as text and images. And to further enhance the functionality of your website, be sure to check out the huge variety of WordPress plugins . 

Build your website today

With this guide at your disposal, you can easily build your WordPress website right out of the box. Don't waste time worrying about the technicalities when you can simplify this process with the click of a few buttons.